Friday 26 May 2017

Super Healthy Pancakes  

Now I never thought I'd hear healthy and pancakes in the same sentence but the proof is in the pudding, or should I say batter??!

These pancakes are super healthy AND taste amazing! What more could you ask for??

I teamed mine with 100% natural maple syrup (tastes like the processed stuff but is good for you, it's more expensive but worth it) and blueberries. You can have these with fruit compote, almond butter, coconut cream.....the possibilities are endless really!

Serves 3 (or 2 generously, oink oink)


  • 2 scoops of protein powder (I used banana flavour) 
  • 100g readybrek 
  • 2 large egg whites 
  • 150 ml coconut milk 
Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz until all combined. If the mixture is a little thick, add a little more milk.

Heat a pan on the stove with some coconut oil, once hot enough pour the mixture in to the size of your choice. I found 3-4 tablespoons made a good size 'American style' pancake.

Repeat the process until all the mixture has been used and serve!

Voilà mes amis, a super healthy and nutritious breakfast that feels like a cheat meal! Perfect!!

Perfect for breakfast in bed!

Thursday 18 May 2017

Triple Chocolate Cookies

You should have all worked out by now that I am a huuuuge chocoholic!! Anything to do with chocolate and I will find myself in heaven!

These cookies will transport you to chocolate heaven and the best part?? They are super quick and easy to make!

I really love cookies that are slightly gooey in the centre and these are full of chocolate chunk delights....I may have to whip up another batch this weekend!!

Makes around 14 (depending on the size you make them!)

  • 200g unsalted butter
  • 300g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 275g self raising flour
  • 75g cocoa powder
  • 2 big bars of milky bar white chocolate
  • 1 big bar of Cadbury dairy milk
  • A splash of milk, if needed
Put the butter in a bowl and heat in the microwave until softened, take out then add the sugar and mix well (you could use a mixer but I like to work the bingo wings off and do it by hand!).

Crack the egg into the mixture and incorporate, add all of the dry ingredients including the chocolate bars broken up into squares, then mix it all up using your hands. If the mixture is a little dry, add a splash of milk to combine the mixture into a dough consistency.

Line two baking trays with baking parchment, scoop the mixture into 14 handful sized balls and slightly flatten then place onto the tray. Pop into a preheated oven (220C/200C fan) for 10 minutes. They will be super soft when you take them out but leave them to cool for around half an hour.

Repeat the baking process until all the cookies are cooked.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Creamed Leek & Potato Soup with Chili

So I've been on a health and fitness journey recently as, well, I've gained a little extra weight which I want to lose! I've been eating healthy during the week and hitting the gym and allowing myself the weekend to eat what I want, within reason!

With the weather being dismal in England lately so I've made this soup for my lunch at work. It's healthy, filling and delicious if I do say so myself!

This isn't your ordinary leek and potato soup! It's got a nice kick from the Chili and I've added a creamy element with coconut milk.

To add extra texture and to ensure your body is fuelled and full I made potato croutons!

Serves 4.


  • 1 packet of leeks (should be be 3-4)
  • 8 medium potatoes 
  • Chili flakes
  • 1 shallot 
  • Coconut oil 
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut milk 
  • 1 pint vegetable stock 
  • 10 small potatoes 
  • 5 garlic cloves 
Start off with the potato croutons. Heat the oven to 200C/390F. Cut the small potatoes into small cubes, no need to peel. Put into a roasting tin with a little olive oil, chili flakes, salt & pepper. Mix everything together with your hands then put in the oven for 45 minutes, turning half way through.

Peel and chop the medium potatoes and put in a pan of water to boil until cooked.

Meanwhile heat some coconut oil in a pan, then add the chopped shallots, crushed garlic and chili flakes. Once softened, add the chopped leaks, season and cook until softened.

Add the vegetable stock to the leaks and lead to simmer for 10 minutes.

Once the potatoes are cooked, drain then add to a blender along with the leaks and add a can of coconut milk. Blitz until smooth then add back to the pan on the hob to keep warm.

Once the croutons are ready, serve the soup in bowls and place some croutons on top.

Voilà!! Your healthy and delicious soup is ready to devour!

Thursday 4 May 2017

Fougasse Bread

This is a relatively easy and non time consuming bread to make. Typically only available in the south of France, this bread conjures up many happy memories of my childhood holidaying in Ste Maxime! We'd buy this bread daily, freshly made at our local boulangerie and enjoy it alongside our lunch and dinner.

I've given it a facelift by adding some caramelised red onion, chili, Rosemary and Gruyere cheese. This bread goes perfectly with my butternut squash and chorizo soup, but can be served alongside pretty much anything!

Makes 2 loaves

  • 1 red onion
  • chili flakes
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil, plus extra for greasing
  • 100g gruyere
  • Few rosemary sprigs
  • Sea salt
For the dough:
  • 7g sachet easy blend yeast
  • 500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
Tip the flour into a mixing bowl and add the yeast, then add the salt and sugar.

Boil the kettle and measure 100ml into a jug. Top up with cold water to the 300ml mark. Test the temperature with your finger, it should feel perfectly hand hot. Add the oil.

Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients then pour in the liquid all at once. Mix quickly using your hands to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. Wipe the dough around the bowl to pick up any loose bits of flour.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and tip out the dough. Knead by stretching it away from you, then folding it in half towards you and pushing it away with the heel of your hand. Give it a quarter turn and repeat, developing a rhythm.

Once the dough is smooth, put it back into the mixing bowl and cover with a tea towel. Leave to rest for 1 hour. The dough is ready when it springs back when you press it with your finger.

Ready to prove!
Thinly slice the onion and gently cook until softened along with the chili flakes (up to you how much you add....depends if you like it spicy or not!), for around 5 minutes. Then cut the gruyere cheese into cubes and chop the rosemary.

Chopped cheese & rosmary

Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and lightly kneed in the onion and chili mixture along with the chopped rosemary.

Using a sharp knife, cut the dough in half. Roll or press out one piece of dough to a rectangular shape of around 20 x 25cm, then transfer to a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Make a large diagonal cut across the centre of the dough, almost to the ends. Make three smaller diagonal cuts either side of the large cut to make a leaf shape. Spread the cuts out a bit as the dough is going to rise on the last prove and the cuts will close up if you don't spread them!

Repeat the above process for the second half of dough. Scatter the cheese and rosemary sprigs into the dough, then sprinkle with a little flour and sea salt. Heat the oven to 240C/220C fan/gas mark 8. Leave the loaves to prove for around 20 minutes then bake in the oven for 13-15 minutes, until golden brown. Serve warm.